Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 5:6-7

6 Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you,
7 Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. AMP

Today I would like to encourage you if you have any cares, anxieties, worries, any stressful issue to cast (throw) them all upon the Lord for He loves and cares for you. He is watching over you right now. Why should we carry those troubling thoughts or circumstances when we don’t have to. We should live a life that is carefree about everything. Picture a container and in this container I want you to visualize what ever care, or concern, or even anxiety you are experiencing and on the count of three we are going to place the whole of the cares, worrys, concerns and anxieties in that container and we are going to throw it upon the Lord, for the Word says He cares for us. Yes, even anxiety, everyone knows about the cares and the worries are stressful but what about the anxieties they to are just as real. If anything other than the Lord is consuming your thought life it could be considered one of the things we just mentioned and that means it is dangerous. I had an example of this right before the birth of my daughter Rachelle. How I was anticipating her birth. I was really too anxious about it, I too had to cast that care upon the Lord (more than once) and relax and Praise God. OK, on the count of three put all your cares, anxieties, concerns, worries in the container and cast it upon the Lord once and for all. Question, "After we cast these cares upon the Lord we are not going to pick them back up again?" No Way! Why, because we remember He cares for us.

Are you ready? One, two, three,
repeat this prayer with me,

"Lord I cast all of cares, concerns, worries, and anxieties upon you, take this poisonous container I no longer want it. I give it all to you in Jesus Name. Praise God I am care free. Thank You Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father".

You may have to remind your mind and the devil that you are care free, from time to time, but it is well worth the effort to win the battle for God's peace. Know that the battle was won by Jesus now all you have to do is resist the enemy of your soul to enjoy the fruits of His Labor. Fight the good fight of faith with the power of God's Grace in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!